In the past two decades, there has been an exponential increase in the number of young
useCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
. Some part of society
believeChange the verb form
show examples
are unnecessary for
youngAdd an article
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
other thinks that a
could help the younger
in Change preposition
show examples
Add an article
show examples
studyWrong verb form
show examples
socializeWrong verb form
show examples
with their peers. Despite those
believesReplace the word
show examples
, I think mobile devices are not really useful for
the Correct article usage
show examples
younger and could lead them to addiction.
believe that
provideWrong verb form
show examples
a smartphonesCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
a Correct article usage
show examples
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
the dangerous adult
that could poping-up on the
. In
cutting-edge technology era, many
advertisementChange to a plural noun
show examples
containChange the verb form
show examples
could appear on the screen of mobile
without considering the age of the user. If the advertisement
appearChange the verb form
show examples
constantly, the negative message could possibly
absorbedChange the verb form
show examples
by the younger brain and lead them
intoChange preposition
show examples
more and more
that seems not really matters could be a dangerous
forChange preposition
show examples
youngerCorrect article usage
show examples
, some
think that facilitating their
childFix the agreement mistake
show examples
could help them to be more effective in
theChange the word
show examples
study activity and
peersChange the noun form
show examples
socialization. Provides many scientific
resourchesCorrect your spelling
, smartphones give
an Remove the article
show examples
ease of study for students to find many
literaturesChange the wording
kinds of literature
pieces of literature
works of literature
show examples
. The student
could help them to discuss
about Remove the preposition
show examples
their homework through
onlineCorrect article usage
show examples
platformFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, with many useful features provides by a
, students' learning process will be more effective and efficient.
MyChange preposition
show examples
smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, which
is providesChange the verb form
show examples
many game features could lead the user into
the Correct article usage
show examples
addiction. The development of mobiles system could support the development of the applications,
as mobile
, with the newest feature of the
, younger will be
more Correct quantifier usage
show examples
digging more and more into them.
development could increase the time spent by
youngerCorrect article usage
show examples
in the
until someday they will be addicted
intoChange preposition
show examples
them. Since the younger still could not
their own time management, let them using
mobileChange preposition
show examples
will be so dangerous.
All in all, using mobile
inChange preposition
show examples
a young age has two
sideChange to a plural noun
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
effects. On the one hand, younger who use
cellphoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in their daily activity could get many benefits
easeWrong verb form
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
intoChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
academicalReplace the word
show examples
material and
connectWrong verb form
show examples
them Correct pronoun usage
show examples
instantly to their friends.
could be affected and exposed
byChange preposition
show examples
that not suppose to be shown yet.
, younger
could be addicted
intoChange preposition
show examples
provideChange the form of the verb
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
. To tackle
Correct article usage
show examples
should pass a specific regulation about the limitation of
smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
used by younger.