Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

It is true that kids today are allowed to use smartphones for hours per day, there are several reasons for
, I suppose that it brings more drawbacks than its benefits. There are several possible reasons to explain
tendency. Today’s life becomes busier, people are flowing with their daily routines and aim to accomplish every day.
As a result
, parents use smart devices as tools to calm their children or to make them sit silently on the side without disturbing their work. So,
action makes their youngsters believe that
is the obvious reward from their parents. It is not only common at home, it is
applied outdoors as in the restaurant, cafe or even playground.
, in order to focus on the choir, they make all the applications easier to find
as Youtube, Google or Games Folder. As far as I am concerned, the more time kids spend on touching the smart devices’ screens, the more addiction level they will get. They tend to beg for a longer time to play and it leads to a lack of sleep and decreases the quality of concentration the next day.
, their school results could be impacted strongly.
, youngsters nowadays often isolate themselves in their private areas to stick with their phones without taking part in outdoor activities which could help their bodies be healthy
in particular
. So in the long term, both physical and mental health would get problems. Soften muscles, inflexible movement, fatigue, and eye strain are called cybersickness which brings negative effects to the younger generation.
To conclude
, technology provides convenience to human life but it
brings a range of drawbacks and the next generation could be the victims.
Submitted by jakedth162 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • smartphones
  • usage
  • technology
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • entertainment
  • gaming
  • social media
  • communication
  • educational resources
  • addiction
  • dependence
  • negative effects
  • physical health
  • mental health
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