You need to take some time off from work to go on holiday. Write a letter to your direct manager. In your letter: • Ask for time off and explain why • Provide the dates and times for which you will be unavailable to work. • Describe what you will do to prepare or make up for your absence.

Dear Mr Matthew I am writing to ask you to grant me a vacation for a fortnight for a family excursion. The reason for the vacation is that my family is planning for Dubai trip next month and they are insisting on me joining them. so, I would like to request you approve my 14 days off from duty. I will be unavailable in the office from May 1, 2023, to May 14, ,2023 but I will come on May 1st for two hours to complete the pending task and will be available in the office by noon on May 14.
, I would like to inform you that all of my job access has been provided to Mr Jackson who will handle all the ongoing and incoming tasks in my absence.
, I will be in touch with him and another colleague by email in any kind of emergency. I hope you will consider my letter a priority and send an approval email to the HR department in order clear the vacation Memo. Yours Sincerely, Mandeep Singh
Submitted by mandeepsinghsony2022 on

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