IN SOME countries, more and more are becoming interested in finding out about history of the house or builing they live in what are the reason for this how can people research this?

tend to know about the history of the accommodations where they are settled , there are some hypotheses why
are eager to figure out the history of their houses and
the way they can get information which will be discussed in
To begin
, since in the past, numerous
could find a treasure or secret areas or hidden doors or gardens in their old houses, the curiosity of getting clues about the history of various types of accommodations increased.
For instance
, in a
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village a family found a valuable antique in their home coincidently. Following that the researcher figured out that the house was belong a kind of king in the
century,so by spreading
news to mentioned town all residents start excavating and searching about the past story of their accommodations.
, some believe that living in a historical house brings them special prestige.
For example
, rich
compete over buying an old villa rather than buying a modern house since they feel living there can bring pride for them.
, it is not easy for the public to collect confidential reports or it can be costly for them, there are some solutions that can help residents to find
about the past of their shelter which will never be as valuable as the
that came out from official research with appropriate tools by researchers,
as books which are specially written about the past of certain areas or cities and talking to elders who live in that distinct for their life span or even generation to generation or searching through google to find e-books are related to their agenda.Namely, there are
which is not proven
that is
reliable or not in a website that gives information about an area that was a capital of a wealthy community centuries ago that approximately gives the direction of a cemetery that may be full of gold.
To conclude
, the tendency of awareness about households had an upward trend among the population
due to
some hypotheses or beliefs.
, finding trustworthy
is challenging, but there are some sources to help them.
Submitted by r.etemadi2020 on

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