number of children who drop the scool is increasing in some countries.what are the reasons and solutions to overcome this problem.

It is an indisputable fact that an increasing number of younger dropping out of their educational institutions in some nations.
essay will present a few possible causes and solutions needed to take to the complications. Regarding reasons, a majority of students who grew up under an overprotective parenting style will perform a low-stress resistance, because overprotection implies that
have fewer opportunities to suffer from failure, and they have a high likelihood to give up schooling so that can escape the frustration that causes their discomfortable when facing academic difficulties;
with low-stress resistance are easy to end their learning.
In addition
, a worse family relationship has become the primary reason, since divorce and separation of parents
affect the education of
adversely. Indeed, it deteriorates
's mental health
due to
the overproduction of negative emotions, so they fail to pay full attention to exams and subjects. Definitely have more chances to fail the exam to let them drop out of school. In order to address the attractive social problem.
local governments are responsible to allocate a huge amount of funding to run informal short-term programs to attract numerous parents to take part in and impart proficient parenting methods.
As a result
, professional and right ways could let adults avoid the appearance of overprotection.
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provided by social workers are necessary when need to help
who are living in a conflicting family atmosphere, as it can let younger ones get practical skills that how to reduce the negative emotional influence on their studies, like sad and so on.
, these point-to-point solutions may be beneficial to tackle these issues.  In conclusion,
the dropping out rate is increasing recently and family factors play a main one to cause it, the administration and communities can provide some help in declining the trend.
Submitted by lyutingting520 on

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