Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In the modern day, Environmental issues have always been a matter of debate. Many people believe that
due to
the lack of fauna and flora populations, our ecosystem is being damaged. Other people assume that there are a lot more significant culprits causing the dilemma. In my opinion, the second idea convinced me for some reasons. On the one hand, it is undeniable that the natural environment is being protected by the populations living there. To make it more clear, plants and animals living in the same habitat survive through many generations by coexisting, some animals or plants play a vital role in the food chain which means if a specific specie disappears, the balance of the natural environment will be diminished.
For example
, the wolf usually hunts for
as their main food source and
consume grasses or herbs to survive, if there is any external or internal detrimental effect exerted on the wolf population,
the number of
will increase remarkably.
As a result
, many kinds of plants will vanish because there are too many
that feed on them.
On the other hand
, there is an even more crucial culprit that drives the ecosystem to the verge of destruction - human activities. Through thousands of years of civilization, human numbers have been rocketing tremendously, they created many advanced implements making life easier.
, the by-products of those tools are toxins for the wildlife species.
For example
, there are more and more factories erected for construction materials that emit Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, making it polluted and demolishing animals that fly or breathe the air nearby.
As a result
due to
the domino effect, the disappearance of the whole ecosystem would be just a matter of time. In conclusion, the loss of a certain specie does affect the whole existence of the natural environment.
, I believe
that is
just a microscopic vision. Having looked at a broader view, there are many reasons that cause
problem, specifically human activities.
Submitted by writing65dl on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • extinction
  • habitat loss
  • ecosystem
  • food chain
  • imbalance
  • interconnected
  • climate change
  • pollution
  • personal actions
  • policy changes
  • education
  • awareness
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