The charts below show movie preferences in the country of Evonia for people aged from 20-35 years, 36-50 years and 51-65 years.

The charts below show movie preferences in the country of Evonia for people aged from 20-35 years, 36-50 years and 51-65 years.
The given charts illustrate the proportion of film preferences among three different age groups in Evonia. In general, it seems evident that
the favourite kinds of movies of the ages 20 to 50 record a similar pattern, people from 51 to 65 have reverse preferences. Regarding the percentage of animation choice, the highest selection of those from 20 to 50
old, accounts for 28% among adults and 25% of the middle-aged group, much greater than 10% for 51-65
old people.
, the opposite preference can be seen in the documentary genre, the second most popular choice for the elderly, at 31%, twice as much as
figure for the age of 39- 50 and three times higher than 20-35
. Turning to other types, the proportion of romance between the three groups is equivalent, fluctuating over 20%. There are considerable choices for the action of 20-35 and 36-50, at 24% and 20% respectively,
figure for the older takes up the smallest part, at 7%.
In contrast
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drama remains the highest choice among people from 51- 65
, which is 12% and 17% higher than the other two ages.
Submitted by lethomnam on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words years with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "figure" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "proportion" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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