It is believed that a significant number of individuals have rejected conventional methods of medical care and in lieu of ,that use various alternatives, which are not reliable enough. Personally, I consider it as a drawback because there are more aggravations in people’s health and irreversible consequences with the grave end than the cases of effective healing.
First and foremost, it is a negative development because people tend to rely on
so-called natural medicine and they do not pay attention to common ways of healing, Linking Words
, their health struggles and their well-being may get worse as time passes. Linking Words
In other words
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concentrating on different alternatives to ordinary treatment, individuals neglect the fact that beneficial pills have already been invented and there is no sense in constructing a bicycle when it has already been built. Linking Words
, in the majority of ,cases humans try to enhance their lives by taking additional medicine, which is neither verified nor recommended by professional doctors, Linking Words
, people use it without a proper medical check-up.
Linking Words
, some individuals claim that they understand how their organism functions better than a well-educated doctor with a master’s degree in Linking Words
field, which is why they follow their own prejudice of what is right and what is pernicious for their bodies. Linking Words
For instance
, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Linking Words
he decided that he did not require traditional treatment and he chose a mortal way for himself by focusing only on alternative medicine. Thereby, he realised that it was a vicious path, Linking Words
, it was too late to make a change and unfortunately, Linking Words
an intelligent person died.
In conclusion, despite the fact that nowadays people are more conscious of their quality of health, sometimes it may be perilous for them Linking Words
due to
the fact that they are willing to demonstrate their capability of self-treatment. Linking Words
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that is
a biased persuasion and I ponder that every human has to ask for a piece of advice from an experienced doctor in order not to die of consistent utilisation of some harmful pills.Linking Words