In the modern days of society, learning is the key which plays a vital role in everyone's life & it starts from school. It is often argued that History should be taught in institutions.
On the other hand
, many people believe that Linking Words
of knowing our culture, they should be indulged in learning other subjects as well. Linking Words
essay will shed light on both the views & as far as my views are concerned, I am in favour of the latter notion.
To commence with, nowadays curriculum is being set by the authorities for institutions covering a wider aspect of history Linking Words
that is
commendable in terms of knowing our culture & heritage for children. Linking Words
, they need to be cognizant of the nation's gradual development that we have witnessed as an adult. Linking Words
For instance
, if any parent wants their son or daughter to be a UPSC aspirant ( India's most reputed & toughest examination) Linking Words
history plays an essential role in Linking Words
regard & it can help students shape their career in that direction.
On contrary, there are some individuals who are in favour of subjects which add some flavour to their children's life & make them the epitome of success. There are many things which can be taught in schools Linking Words
as Music, Sports & acting. These are helpful in their holistic development & make them stand alone in the current time. Linking Words
In addition
to that, numerous personality traits Linking Words
as leadership & decision-making ability can be inculcated in students by learning these courses. On top of that, Music contributes to the Emotional development of every child.
In the nutshell, I would strongly recommend schools & institutions to reconsider their Linking Words
pattern & get subjects Linking Words
Music, art etc onboarded in their tally & let the children be more exposed to practical knowledge Linking Words
of any pre-defined theories.Linking Words
Varun Papneja