It is true that in contemporary society, more youngsters and adolescents are prone to commit crimes so early in life. There are some possible reasons to explain
trend, and appropriate practical methods are to be adopted to tackle the problem.
The two main drivers are the lack of parental care and the interference of technology. Linking Words
, teenage is puberty age in which youngsters are overcoming both physical and mental changes. They normally do things on impulse and overreact to everything. At the same time, many Linking Words
are far too busy with their work, resulting in their kids not being educated properly, and easily becoming spoilt and rebellious. Use synonyms
, children and adolescents have early access to social media which contains much toxic content. Young minds are inefficient in differentiating good and bad things; Linking Words
, they copy the bad things unintendedly. Linking Words
For example
, a secondary- school student adjacent to my house has been caught for shoplifting as he imitated the action clearly described on a Facebook page.
In order to prevent Linking Words
serious social problem, some measures can be put forward. The prerequisite solution is that Linking Words
had better spend time chatting with their rebellious offspring more frequently so as to guide them with decent thoughts and behaviours. Use synonyms
, those caught red-handed making serious crimes should be sent to tough therapy camps for training on how to behave properly. An example, to illustrate Linking Words
point, is that there are many camps like that in the world, namely a brat camp in Utah, specially built for difficult teenagers whose Linking Words
have been desperate for them. Use synonyms
, at school, principals and teachers should provide students not only with theory but Linking Words
practical life lessons and give warnings to those prone to commit an offence. Linking Words
For instance
, sometimes psychologists should be invited to schools to give talks on the mentioned subject and other related ones.
In short, Linking Words
, schools and the authority should coordinate to educate young criminals and more practical actions should be done in order to put the issue to an end as soon as possible.Use synonyms