In the future, nobody will buy newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online paying. To what extand do you agree or disgree with this statement?

Went back a few decades ago, people did everything in
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paper-based form whether in newspapers, research journals or textbooks. Nowadays, the world has changed and approached the electronic era where a lot of data are contained on online platforms.
, in the next future, nobody is going to use paper-based documents anymore. From my point of view, I completely agree with
statement because of the massive advantages of digital documents compare to the disadvantage of the old-fashioned
. There are various drawbacks that limit paper usage.
are not convenient for readers. All paper
are difficult to take care of.
For example
, they should be kept in the appropriate conditions which are low humidity and normal room temperature to minimize some depreciation from mould or bacteria.
, plenty of trees are produced in the paper and pulp industry resulting in deforestation and affecting the habitats and food resources of wild animals.
On the other hand
, a lot of readers are more likely to consume online paying documents because of their numerous benefits. First of all, the latest innovation makes an online
much more comfortable.
For instance
, an electronic
is portable and flexible which means they can carry to everywhere and can access an unlimited number of
through only one device.
, online
are the best learning aid with their breathtaking visualization which not only displays just pictures but
animated figures and videos.
To conclude
, the outstanding advantages of the innovative
as diverse data sources or easy-going functions influence online purchasing
readers. So, remarkably diminishing of paper-based users.
Submitted by jeanbabyfrog on

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