You are employed full-time and also doing a part-time evening course. You are not able to continue the course. Write a letter to the course lecturer.
Dear Mr Phillip,
I am a pupil of your evening Spanish language
in which I got enrolled Use synonyms
week. Linking Words
, I will not be able to continue the Linking Words
Use synonyms
due to
a sudden foreign official tour. I am hoping that you would allow me to intake it Linking Words
next semester.
I am working in the risk management division of Prime Bank Limited. Change preposition
bank has a subsidiary company in Hong Kong where an incident has been reported by the governing authority. For that, I will have to travel to Hong Kong next week with a team to analyze the whole situation, scrutinise the allegations against the company and take appropriate measures. The whole process might take more than two months, and I cannot continue my evening language Linking Words
under your supervision for that.
Under the circumstances, I would like to request you Use synonyms
transfer me to the next semester and allow me to take the Fix the infinitive
without any Use synonyms
Your cooperation in Linking Words
regard will be highly appreciated.Linking Words
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The Closing
The style of the letter determine how you have to close it.
Check out the suggested closing sentences for each type of letter in the General IELTS Test. The closing sentence should be the last sentence of your letter.
Formal style (To someone you have not met, whose name you don’t know)
- Yours faithfully,
Semi-formal (To someone you may or may not have met, whose last name you know)
- Yours sincerely,
Informal (To someone you know well, whose first name you know and use)
- Best regards,
- Warm wishes,