The graph shows the number of shops that closed and the number of new shops that were opened in one country between 2011 and 2018

The graph shows the number of shops that closed and the number of new shops that were opened in one country between 2011 and 2018
The line graph compares the figure for store closings and openings in a single country from 2011 to 2018.
, both new
and closed
have a downward trend.
Change preposition
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Correct pronoun usage
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, the number of
that closed was higher than the
that opened at the beginning, but by the end, there were still many
that were no longer operating. In 2011, there were about 8,500
opened, much higher than
Correct article usage
the 6,300
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Correct pronoun usage
that closed
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. By 2012, openings fell to as low as 4,000 but
recovered to 6,000 in 2014. The number of
closing decreased slightly in 2012, and in 2013 reached a peak of 7,100. The number of closes dropped deeply to just 600 in 2015 before going back to 5,100, which remained the same until 2018. Openings declined less substantially to around 4,000 between 2015 and 2017 and dipped to end at 3,000 precisely in 2018.
Submitted by hoailinhvu0504 on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Vocabulary: Replace the words stores with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "number of" was used 3 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • trend
  • fluctuation
  • peak
  • decline
  • surge
  • stabilize
  • correlation
  • economic conditions
  • consumer behavior
  • technological advancements
  • urban development
  • employment
  • retail sector
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