is the spread of business activity across international borders. There are several causes of why
the Correct article usage
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
growing companies and
, For businesses, the advantages of
can include cost savings, international recruitment, specific market opportunities, and the spreading of risk.The second reason of
advantagesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
thatAdd a missing verb
show examples
that have a positive trade relationship with each other, have an incentive not to get into conflict. On a global scale,
reduceChange the verb form
show examples
the likelihood of armed conflict between
, owing to investment
in Change preposition
show examples
between USA and Germany for their properties they had
havenCorrect article usage
show examples
hold on friendships
there was
warCorrect article usage
show examples
happened 2
between Change preposition
show examples
in the past
the Correct article usage
show examples
made their contacts inseparable.
transferCorrect article usage
show examples
of technology throughout the globe is good because of good agreements of
. Any country can borrow the technology through the agreement and can implement it in their country for their
and Correct word choice
show examples
We can communicate
eachChange preposition
show examples
other easily from any part of the globe by using
advanceReplace the word
show examples
technology at minimal cost, time and
effortsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, there are some drawbacks that
badCorrect article usage
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
themCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
who are
traderReplace the word
show examples
.The one disadvantage of
is that Individual
become dependent on other nations which are producing or
contactChange preposition
show examples
with them for their supply chains. If there is a disruption to
chain, they may no longer be able to produce the
goodFix the agreement mistake
show examples
as Ukraine
is Unnecessary verb
show examples
can not able continuing to increase its
produceReplace the word
show examples
because of
loseWrong verb form
show examples
contactChange preposition
show examples
with Russia which is its partner
onChange preposition
show examples
business.And addition
can increase
unemploymentCorrect article usage
show examples
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
for Change preposition
show examples
higher-skilled work
withChange preposition
show examples
priceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. But
where education systems are relatively weakAdd the comma(s)
, where education systems are relatively weak,
show examples
are not capable of producing highly skilled workers.
, the unemployment rate is increasing in those
competitiveReplace the word
show examples
between some
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
meansChange the verb form
show examples
trade imbalance which refers to the imbalance of values between a country’s import and
export’sChange noun form
show examples
goods and services.
Trade imbalance may be
Add an article
show examples
increaseWrong verb form
show examples
in developed
by their competitors.
In summary,
plays different roles in each developing
countriesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
between Change preposition
show examples
would be
Correct article usage
show examples
advantageFix the agreement mistake
show examples
disadvantageFix the agreement mistake
show examples