New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

These days, innovations are regularly up to date to serve people living in many areas.
' spare
has been spent differently. In my opinion, I firmly believe that there are more positive than negative results
due to
self-learning activities and self incomes so that they can help children currently and in a long run.
, self-learning actions provide to young learners based on up-to-date technology support them to study, understand, and gain more knowledge effectively from almost all of their interested topics in their free o'clock because they are able to access and practise it by themself, anywhere, anytime.
, they have built
' self-motivation from their interests.
For example
, some K-pop dancers in Korea have learnt dancing by themself since they were young ages from some websites
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and applications
as Youtube and Tiktok in their free plans. Obviously,
exercise can lead
to develop faster and more successfully by using the latest tech during their leisure hours.
, some youngers earn money from their
off since they use their talent and skills to give value to the community in some perspectives
as entertainment and education. As the result, they create income at earlier ages.
For instance
, in Luca's channel on Youtube that most of the videos are about playing with toys that Luca usually uses ,and exploring new children's places. So, he takes
chance to film and put the videos on Social Media in order to earn funds from that. Clearly,
idea is great for spending youngth's
off. In conclusion, inventive things are invented intentionally to support society.
, there are more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to young
' spare
differed on the latest tech to help with self-studying and have their savings for now and for the future.
Submitted by praewsu2513 on

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