Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete become more useful adults Discuss both these views and give your opinions.

There is a hotly debated impression that youngsters are likely stimulated to be much more competitive
others suppose cooperation might lead them to the path of being advantageous mature populations in the future.
, from my point of view, adolescents should be brought up to be significantly cooperative with others for the following reasons. On the one side, rivalry among the young is deemed to be required in educational settings because it may serve as a sense of motivation. The competition encourages them to acquire knowledge intensively and achieve higher scores in examinations than their classmates;
as a result
, excellent academic performance comes to them in the end.
For example
, the entrance exams to specialized schools in major cities,
as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, are always organized competitively to select the only leading excellent students with the top ranking of grades.
In addition
, children are inclined to get praised by their teachers, classmates or parents, which motivates them to exert themselves in the future. On the other side, it can be noticeably seen that the characteristic of competition is contributable to the children’s selfishness and carelessness,
as well as
, has a detrimental effect on their minds if they are not the winners eventually. Many found being cooperative much more pivotal in children’s development, particularly favourable to their personal skills. Collaborating with other peers not only render the opportunity for adolescents of making close-knit relationship but
enhance their social skills which are indispensable in their mature lives. In conclusion, despite the fact that a competitive attitude is of great significance in terms of getting better performance academically, I strongly believe that the negative endorsement of competition is likely mentioned and children should learn to work with others to gain a successful life later.
Submitted by dothuy.usd on

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