Marriage is considered an important milestone in many's eyes which means uniting someone's life with another. As much as it's an act of love, it is
a huge commitment which needs to be taken seriously. In Linking Words
essay, we discuss if is it better or necessary to live together before settling down.
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let us discuss the traditional approach, which still forms the majority of it. Traditionally sides would live with their parents until the point the big day comes. Linking Words
with the permission of family elders, the wedding happens and parties come together in their newly set up home. Even though traditional marriages that were formed Linking Words
way lasted for decades, with the change of world and roles of the individuals in the relationships, it is not the case today. Linking Words
For example
, speaking from my experience, with the rise of individualism, it is extremely normal today to divorce and remarry in the forties. Linking Words
, I would say that the idea of marrying without being sure is not as forgiving as it was before.
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brings us to another point of view, being sure before marrying someone. One means of doing Linking Words
is experiencing most of the situations with a partner that are going to happen in a union. In general spending moments together, going on vacation, and doing activities are some ways to do Linking Words
. I believe another and most important way is to live together since time spent at home is going to take the most time in any marriage. Linking Words
For instance
, living together will make opportunities to share responsibilities and daily chores and prepares the right environment to let couples know each other's habits, likings and hard sides.
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To conclude
, if we answer the question of if it is better or not to live together before marrying, in my opinion, for a healthy and long-lasting marriage, couples need all possible occasions to know and observe each other. And there is no better way to know someone than living with them. Linking Words
is what I would suggest doing for at least a couple of years before deciding on the future.Linking Words