is a phenomenon that has recently changed the societies and the way we live in
todaysChange to a genitive case
show examples
. It has been going on for centuries but with the improvements of technology and communication, it has grown rapidly in the
couple of decades. In
I will examine
argumentAdd an article
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will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural
. In the
I will provide my concluding remarks.
To start with,
has made
aCorrect article usage
show examples
a smaller place to live where distances between countries and different
timezonesCorrect your spelling
show examples
are shorter than ever before.
, people share
sameCorrect article usage
show examples
values and ideas and it generates similar ideologies across the globe. It has partially contributed to a reduction of cultural identities as those small ideas are becoming a lot harder to protect and cherish.
, we could argue that the
extentCorrect article usage
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that everything is becoming dominated by the mass markets and societies. Some people argue, that social media as a way of communicating has resulted in
reductionAdd an article
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of real human
that enables us to pass knowledge to one another from older generations
knowledgeCorrect article usage
show examples
, in the below paragraph, I will be reviewing
positivesCorrect article usage
show examples
and how it can help us prevent cultural
. As previously mentioned,
with Change preposition
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becoming a smaller place
increasing means and speed of transportation,
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
has resulted in people being able to explore more than ever before.
, nowadays it is a lot easier to travel from America to Asia than it was a hundred years ago because you
do Unnecessary verb
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no longer need to take weeks on a boat,
you can simply get on a plane and fly across.
really enables us to see and learn more. There has been a recent study published on BBC
newsCapitalize word
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, that
suggestChange the verb form
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there is a tribe in New Zealand that would have been completely distinct if not for a post about it on social media that went viral and that has attracted many visitors all across the globe.
, it is argued that even before
rapid growth of industrialization over the
few decades, features of cultures had challenges
as wars, famines and invasions. It has been known to mankind that it is a natural process that enables us to strengthen these values and enable
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
to grow even more.
In conclusion,
has resulted in
worldAdd an article
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becoming a smaller place to live where all the values are set by new and upcoming means of communication of mass media, there
hasCorrect subject-verb agreement
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a Correct article usage
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significant positives of that as
outlineWrong verb form
show examples
above. Those new ways of reaching out to the unknown
hasChange the verb form
show examples
resulted in overcoming challenges that were difficult previously and enabled us to develop knowledge vital for protecting
thoseCorrect determiner usage
show examples
identities of other and our own.