It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to teach good behviour to children?

It is indeed essential to teach our offspring how to distinguish right from wrong as early as possible.
, I strongly disagree with
statement, as punishment can do the child more harm than good. In
essay,I will outline what I believe is the most appropriate way of sculpting
's behaviour. First of all, in a
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society it is every member's responsibility to help produce well-functioning communities with high moral standards. But parents and teachers are given naturally given a golden opportunity to create a safe society for all of us, by simply forming the minds of its newest members and introducing them to the concept of consequences
in addition
to being good role models. For ,example when it comes to older
a teacher can use punishments
as detention and increased homework
parents can withdraw privileges
as phone, and allowance.
On the other hand
are curious by nature which means they will test and break boundaries if not stopped.
, the age of the person being punished plays a major role when it comes to discipline as the younger can be punished in the same way as older ones.
For example
, a reward system might be more appropriate when a two-year-old does something good
as saying thank you for your help. Afterwards, that same child would know the reward comes only with certain behaviour. In conclusion,
all individuals in a society will somehow be introduced to the current moral code, I believe
can be taught the rules through education or use legally accepted punishments when reached a certain age in the absence of violence.
Submitted by Farh on

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