Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The significant rise in
accidents has become a major concern for the public.
, it is of the opinion that increasing the minimum
for legally driving a car or motorbike is the most efficient solution to overcome
way works to some extent, I believe that there are other resolutions which are more advantageous. On the one hand, there is no doubt that increasing the legal minimum
is contributable considerably to street safety. Basically, youths are not aware of the risks when driving. In comparison with the older, they are more likely to break the rule and drive at a high seed. They see
driving behaviour as their skills and as a way to show their personality.
, teenagers lack driving experience and cannot predict urgent situations,
, they tend to panic when they face dangerous issues happening on the route.
On the other hand
, driving at a young
is not the only factor that contributes to the increase in
hazards. It is reported that being drunk and using a phone
driving are two main reasons that create the largest number of crashes.
, to improve road safety, the first solution is implementing strict punishment for those who commit driving offences.
For example
, the Vietnamese government launched a new regulation, stating that drunk drivers will be temporarily revoked their driver's licenses for at least 30 days and pay a penalty of up to 2000$.
In addition
, the government can allocate more resources to public transportation to encourage citizens to use public transit
of using private ones. Using public transportation not only reduce
accidents but
protect the environment because of the reduction of gas emission. In conclusion, increasing the
of legal driving plays an important role in decreasing the number of
accidents, but it is not the only and best solution. There are other better ways to improve road safety
as strict punishment and using public transportation.
Submitted by nguyenlyacbd on

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