Employers somtimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information. Such as their habbies and interests, and whether thay are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful. Others disagree. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In recent times, applying for a job requires some details that are not in the role description.
some people find that helpful. Others argue
information is private and may have a negative effect on the application result. I am in the middle,
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I will discuss both arguments as there are widely differing views on the issues.
To begin
with, people find the more you are open and share your interests the more you can take a seat in the workplace.
In other words
, things that show more of your personality are significant for employers even if it is not on the job description because sometimes it is difficult to know whether the applicant is suitable for the job or not from just their qualifications and work experience.
For example
, imagine that there is a role name content writer for Dior. A content writer who has an interest in art, photography and fashion is clearly more suitable for
role than one who has an interest in sports.
On the contrary
, others have seen
as harmful and having a negative impact on the applicant. To explain, the social situation is not
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anything but may consider a label whether you are married or single. That leads to refusing who married and accepting the single for unlogical reasons just the feeling of you as a company not on the top priority. Taking everything into consideration, I am inclined to believe that companies should ask about things like interests and hoppy and ignore private information
as social situations and racism.
Submitted by rama on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Cultural fit
  • Soft skills
  • Relocation
  • Discriminatory practices
  • Competence
  • Correlation
  • Privacy
  • Equality
  • Stereotypes
  • Biases
  • Varied importance
  • Professional capacity
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Diversity
  • Inclusivity
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