The pie charts provide information about the percentage rate of each various methods used in dealing with hazardous wastes in the countries of Sweden, the Republic of Korea, and the UK.
, there are five ways of Linking Words
dangerous waste, Add the preposition
, only two countries share the same techniques which are the Republic of Korea and Sweden. Linking Words
the United Kingdom has two other ways.
In the Republic of Korea, 69% of toxic waste is recycled. Approximately 20% is placed underground and an estimated 9% is incinerated. Meanwhile, in Sweden, half of its waste is buried underground, and roughly 20% is both recycled and by fire.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, 82% of the UK's toxic material is put underground, which is the highest. Trail behind at both 8 % are chemical treatment and dumping at sea, which these two methods distinct from the other countries. Linking Words
, burning accounted for a small fraction and made it the least.Linking Words