the Correct article usage
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space and the exploration of
the Correct article usage
show examples
other planets are
oneCorrect determiner usage
show examples
of the most popular research
topicChange to a plural noun
show examples
. Famous
and governments are investing
to support
the Correct article usage
show examples
technology and everybody
believeCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
that they will find some new useful things.
a new place where we can live. It
seemChange the verb form
show examples
to be a good business with
aChange the article
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benefit but like in every risky
Change to a singular noun
show examples
it is possible that
atChange preposition
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the end we will realize that the whole process was
a Remove the article
show examples
. I agree that we have problems int
heCorrect your spelling
show examples
Earth which are important and
to solve them. For instance
in Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
developing countries
health care, stop starvation and globally
is to Verb problem
show examples
protect the
OtherChange preposition
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hand the space
are helpful
to modernizedChange preposition
show examples
our life and
inventWrong verb form
show examples
new technology tools or
discoverWrong verb form
show examples
nowCorrect your spelling
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things. My opinion is that we can spend
toChange preposition
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both of them
in Change preposition
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the same time. The constantly growing population require
toCorrect pronoun usage
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newAdd an article
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place where we can live because our planet has a space- and nutrition limit.
during the
we can discover new elements or
builtWrong verb form
show examples
new electric devices which will
helpfulAdd a missing verb
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in our everyday life. We haven’t got too much information about astrology but
is the best reason why we should invest
corrected Wrong verb form
show examples
defect. In my
we need to invest
in the Earth and
in the other planets exploration. We shouldn’t concentrate
toChange preposition
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one thing because we
develop or just really slowly.