The table shows data about underground railway systems in six major cities with data opened, kilometers of route and passenger numbers per year in millions.

The table shows data about underground railway systems in six major cities with data opened, kilometers of route and passenger numbers per year in millions.
Information on underground railway systems in half a dozen important cities is illustrated in tabular form here,
along with
the parameters which are the date opened, kilometres of route, and passengers per year (in millions). Here it can be observed that London's tube is the oldest one, and was developed in 1863
the subway system in Los Angeles is the most recent. It started operating nearly a hundred and forty years later in 2001.
, the total distance covered by tube tracks in London is three hundred and ninety-four kilometres, making it the lengthiest one here.
On the other hand
, eleven kilometres is the distance covered by the Kyoto metro and the shortest one here too. Interestingly, the Tokyo metro helps thousand,
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hundred and twenty-seven travellers commute yearly,
serving a maximum number of people among these six cities. Contrastingly, Kyoto has
forty five
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million passengers per year and is the lowest in
Submitted by anupriyahalder on

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