Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

It is believed that the loss of singular types of fauna and flora components is the major environmental issue nowadays,
others claim that there are divergent aspects which are more harmful to nature
. I do believe that the debris
faced in big cities can be more environmentally dangerous. On the one ,hand some advocate that the death of particular types of plants and animals presents in nature can lead to the extinction of these species, as
problem not only decimates several lives but
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their regeneration. As a
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consequence all the earth's lives will be affected in huge proportions.
For instance
, when there is massive deforestation the soil is affected worsening the greenhouse effect and jeopardizing the quality of plants and water, which will certainly harm directly all the animal's health around the world.
On the other hand
, others refute
idea and affirm that there are more paramount issues to be considered when it comes to environmental problems for example trash
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because all
rubble that, sometimes is thrown in streets will achieve oceans.
issue can cause a myriad of marine species death which can enable starvation for those who are dependent on sea animals for sail or food.
For example
, people who usually eat and sell fish will suffer dramatically from the lack of food and financial supply
as the marine life caused by waste
To conclude
, even the loss of animal and plant species can put the earth in a dangerous situation, I hold my stance that the rubbish
faced by metropolis in most part of cases can be more harmful to the environment. Ideally, the government should implement more politicians or advertisements in order to raise individuals' awareness about ecological protection.
Submitted by Nayara on

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