Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and techonlogy. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is argued that
should pursue their interests in university,
, others think that they should study science and technology which are more demanding in society. Both views put forward valid points, but I believe the former is more productive. University
have different competencies in a variety of fields,
as art and design or economics, if they follow their flair they are more likely to become successful, even may be created or solved several issues that are beneficial for the public.
For example
, nowadays several invention materials would be inspired by some creative writers that had put their imagination into their books.
, having those abilities and nurturing those people are highly beneficial for national development.
, studying science and technology at a university needs some requirements, including having a special talent, an analytical mind and observation skills in order to carry out the duties efficiently after graduation and get jobs. These skills play a vital role in their future career. If all
study these subjects without these abilities, they are less likely to be productive in their responsibilities,
they lost their incentives and motivations in the long run, and feel that they are a failure .
As a result
, I think
approach would not be practical. In conclusion, in the modern era, technology and science have an importance for many officials and think that all
should study in these fields, which leads to society's development,
, I believe that many disciplines should be improved because they make creativity in all parts of the society.
Submitted by nazikhatamian on

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