The given table illustrates the outcome of surveys regarding good ratings for different aspects of McGill Univerisity by
in 2005, 2010, and 2015.
As an Use synonyms
trend, McGill Univ. had gradually good results in the category of 'Linking Words
services' and 'Range of modules offered', which was the lowest rated by Use synonyms
Looking at the detailed data, the highest-rated category was 'Library resources' in 2005 with 86% followed by 'Teaching quality'. These two aspects remained the top two high-ranked categories by Use synonyms
with above 70%, and nearly 90% respectively for a given period from the initial year.
Meanwhile, it is noteworthy that the aspect of 'Use synonyms
service' was given 54% in the year 2005 and the rate soared to 95% after a decade. It is Use synonyms
noticeable that the 'Sports and social facilities' remained at the same percentage at 65% in three different survey years and 'Range of modules offered' went down from 39% to 25% for 10 years.Linking Words