There is a radical shift happening in the world, whereby
are adopting new ways of doing things and ignoring the conventional. Among these changes, many families have abandoned the old ritual of eating together, which is caused by changes in family size, and mobile phone addiction, thereby making the individuals and the communities less socially interactive.
The first reason triggering Use synonyms
family culture is the proliferation of birth control and the reduction in family size. These days, many families have resorted to having few children, thereby reducing the household volume to an unnoticeable number. Linking Words
For example
, conventionally, Linking Words
can birth up to 6 children, which obviously makes it fun and refreshing to share a meal together. If fathers consider more births, it might be easier to preserve the old tradition of the family feeding in harmony.
Another important pre-cursor is the widespread addiction to mobile phones. Since handsets have become cheap and readily accessible, there has been an upsurge in the number of Use synonyms
who spend long hours on their phones. Another example of Use synonyms
is that a young teenager prefers eating dinner in his room, Linking Words
playing a game on his mobile device, rather than sitting at the dining to eat with his Linking Words
. Use synonyms
As a result
, individuals have adopted living in isolation, once they are glued to their tablets.
Linking Words
, food is an important aspect of life as it bonds many blood relatives who eat together often. Linking Words
, the absence of eating together in many homes will encourage many Linking Words
to live lonely lives, which can isolate the neighbourhood. As long as individuals continue to do things differently, especially refusing to eat with their Use synonyms
, it transcends the community through the proliferation of anti-social Use synonyms
. Use synonyms
, affecting the public since every individual emanates from the family.
In conclusion, homes should continue to share meals together as it increases their bond. Linking Words
factors Linking Words
as small family capacity and mobile device addiction continue to attack certain cultural heritage in the family and the community at large. Linking Words
should think critically about sustaining their household bond, through regular food sharing.Use synonyms