Your local hospital has advertised for people to do unpaid work helping at the hospital. You would like to do some work at the hospital in your free time. Write a letter to the hospital. In your letter explain why you would like to do unpaid work at the hospital say what type of unpaid work you would be able to do give details of when you would be available for this work

Dear sir, I am writing
letter in the context of an advertisement for volunteer positions opportunity in your hospital . The main reason behind working here is that I always wanted to do something for the betterment of the community and I think
is the best option for me .
Apart from
,I would like to gain some experience which can help me later in my career. I prefer to work in a laboratory where I can get a chance to test samples .I have completed my bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Technologist program at one of the famous universities.
In addition
, practising as a co-op student for two semesters in a private laboratory has provided me with enough knowledge which I can use in your hospital. My availability is 2 days throughout the week .I can join for four months .I hope
schedule is suitable . I would like to thank you for reading my letter.If you have any questions
please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely, Anmol
Submitted by sehjpalanu on

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