In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of diverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages.

Due to
the latest technology, transport companies have drastically changed commuting from one place to another place. It would is possible that in future all vehicles will become automated and no need for humans to drive them. In my opinion, its merits are more overwhelming than demerits because
due to
driverless vehicles accidents ration to be controlled on the roads which
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been happening
due to
the carelessness of humans. I will discuss my agreement points in
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forthcoming paragraphs.
To begin
with, there are numerous
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positive side of driverless travel.
, automated cars and buses will run under the control of technology where they have less risk of accidents on the road. To dive into roots, when they run at a fixed speed on the highways
people will be aware of their level.
For instance
, the metro bus in Lahore has a 3 km speed which has reduced the accident ratio on the roads.
, automated influx reached their destination without any problems
as in critical environmental conditions.
, those people who have itching feet love to travel in
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an automated
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movement where they have no headache of driving their cars long distances and causing back pain and don't enjoy nature.
, automated cars will be more beneficial for commuters as they felt comfortable and relaxed in them. On the drawback, those people who run their homes with the pay of drivers
as truck drivers and metro workers will become un employees To be more precise, from their teenage to elder they spend most of their part of lives on trucks they have no other major skills in his life.
fulfilling all needs of their families will become a task.
, there is no friendly environment in the automated vehicle
in driver transportation everyone has a light conservation with the driver and doesn't get bored.
, drivers are
a very crucial part of transport lives. In conclusion, it could be possible that
due to
modern ,
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all truck and buses will become driverless that causing unemployment but diver transport have more benefits than others.
Submitted by aqsagoraya9 on

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