It is true that many
are getting obese in Western countries. I agree with Use synonyms
point. In the upcoming ,paragraph I will discuss the reasons for obesity with the help of examples.
There are two main reasons why learners are getting obese Linking Words
is Linking Words
due to
their sedentary lifestyle. Nowadays Linking Words
are more attracted towards shortcuts. Use synonyms
For example
, they usually play games on mobile phones which affects their health Linking Words
as well as
makes them obese and Linking Words
due to
,Linking Words
they are facing many health issues like heart strokes, diabetes and so on. The other reason is that Linking Words
due to
study ,pressure they do not have time for doing any kind of activities. As Linking Words
are more focused towards their studies and they do not do exercises which is beneficial for them they keep on running towards their academic scores.
Use synonyms
, the disadvantage of Linking Words
is they become lazy on the job and do not complete their task on time. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
due to
laziness Linking Words
are not able to concentrate on their tasks. One of my friends is very obese and does not do his job properly because he become very lazy and his mind is not helping him to concentrate on the performance properly. Use synonyms
, people Linking Words
face many health-related problems Linking Words
due to
Linking Words
To conclude
, it is parents' responsibility to take care of their children's health so they need to have a check on each and everything they eat Linking Words
as well as
they need to control the diet of their children if they are obese to protect them from detrimental diseases.Linking Words