Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country it they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The question of whether to allow specialists to work in any nation they wish or to be required to work in the nation where they did their academic studies is very topical and it's a controversial debate. There are valid opinions on both sides which I will discuss now. On the one hand, opponents of experts' migration point to the valuation of these people; the point is that some of them have used scholarships in order to study their preferred major and
is really unfair to leave the
after using its fund.
, it is
a kind of waste of money for the government.
, it is often said that every society has got its specialized culture or building and interior designing methods, local diseases and etc. So professionals who do their training in one
might lose their capacities in another
For instance
, civil engineering in Japan is concentrated on building apartments which are tolerant of the earthquake,
civil engineering in the UAE is focused on building towers which are heat resistant and the university courses which prepare engineers in these two countries are probably different.
On the other hand
, supporters of
debate say that it is essential that specific occupations,
as doctors and engineers, have the right to choose whether they want to stay in the
where they did their training or not.
, there is a concern over the lack of professionals in some poor countries.
For example
, the presence of doctors and medical facilities in some special areas in South Africa is a priority, and many volunteers travel to these areas in order to help.
To conclude
, I feel that specialists provide a valuable service to society, and their presence all over the world is essential,
, it is better to respect their choice about their private decisions
as their preferred place to live.
In addition
, as long as there aren't sufficient professionals and experts in the world, in comparison to the population, the advantages of experts' migration outweigh the possible disadvantages.
Submitted by mediii355 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • professionals
  • doctors
  • engineers
  • required
  • training
  • home country
  • cultural
  • linguistic
  • advantages
  • economic impact
  • free
  • another country
  • globalization
  • international collaboration
  • improving
  • skills
  • knowledge
  • experience
  • opinion
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