Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

Alternative medical medication now is becoming a trend and the most preferred choice by society compared to visiting medical expertise. Personally, I believe that
phenomenon brings a positive assurance to the community considering some raising concerns that occur around us.
, the cost of hospital care keeps increasing, influenced by the higher number of
sick, year by year. For that reason, many
, particularly those who can't afford the hospital bill, will look for other cheaper alternatives as long as they get treated and get better. There are many licensed alternatives treatment available, particularly the Chinese traditional medical clinique, which has been trusted for many decades ago by human civilization.
, the Chinese treatment is scientifically acknowledged which makes
have no doubt to try it The second consideration is that
start to worry about consuming too much chemical medicine into their bodies,
as tablets, pills, and even injection drugs.
In addition
, they feel anxious by taking too much of them because they think it will interfere with how the body and organs normally work. It is
supported by the unproven facts that hospitals keep giving antibiotics which is not good to be taken in the long term to reduce the patient's pain. These many unproven issues scare
more and discourage them to have a proper consultation with the usual doctor or hospital.
, they prefer to take traditional and natural medicine
as herbs, and Chinese medicine from the alternative medical clinique. In conclusion, it seems to me that there are two main reasons why
choose traditional medical cures compared to visiting the hospital. First is the expensive hospital bill that triggers them to find affordable places.
feel anxious about consuming too many chemical drugs given by medical experts. I believe
Remove the comma
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start getting smarter to find reliable and trusted alternatives
Change preposition
to medical
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treatment. Humans in the end just want to get better and be healthier.
Submitted by misstiasclassroom on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • alternative medicines
  • treatments
  • positive development
  • negative development
  • health problems
  • usual doctor
  • access
  • personalized approach
  • holistic well-being
  • lack of regulation
  • evidence-based research
  • proper medical treatment
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