The two maps below illustrate the changes that occurred at the seaside resort of Templeton at the year between 2000 and 2013.
The most noticeable change we can see is how much of an industry it has become throughout the years compared to 2000.
A railway has been built on the north side of the sea with a railway station that locates on the east side of the newly constructed river.
In the
there used to be a more green area,but many of the trees were cut down to make way for blocks of flats and other facilities Add a comma
as a supermarket and even an airport near school grounds.
As the sole hospital of the town remains where it is,two other new houses have been built there and the community grew larger as we can witness clearly.
In 2000 there was no residential place between the space of two bridges but 13 years later four hoses have made their way in. Another change in the town is how a ferry got added to the sea for transportation.Linking Words