It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

In today’s world, the vast majority of society is likely to take a big risk when it comes to their professional and internal lives.
there are some drawbacks related to
, I believe that the merits are greater for
’s future. On
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hand, there is a disadvantage to taking a big step, especially related to the
and internal life. In the first place,
who have been receiving a monthly income for a long time would find it hard to maintain their expenses after choosing to leave their
For example
, they used to pay house rent and various costs of living with their wages but now have to use their savings to pay their expenses.
As a result
, they need to have good money management for a long period of time.
On the other hand
, I am on the side that taking a big leap is
a good thing to do for numerous
. In the first place, if someone chooses to have their own business, they will open a new opportunity for others.
For instance
, there will be new
vacancies for someone who finds a
to become a new team staff, which can help
grow and help them financially.
, more
will prosper and have a beautiful life in the future.
In addition
to that, an entrepreneur will have more ability to be agile and creative
due to
building their own brand, which can shape them to become more knowledgeable and enhance their ability to think.
For example
need to have a great curiosity in various market segments and great time management to excel in their goals.
, they will be open to many opportunities for their brand longevity. In conclusion, the advantages of taking risks are better for peoples’ lives than being ordinary. Despite facing several uncertainties, they can open new
opportunities for others and be more competent in understanding various new knowledge. Given
situation, it is recommended that
should try new things to enhance the quality of their
Submitted by khairanaizzati on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Opportunities
  • Growth
  • Innovation
  • Challenges
  • Self-discovery
  • Resilience
  • Uncertainty
  • Consequences
  • Calculated risks
  • Stagnation
  • Regret
  • Comfort zone
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Adventurous spirit
  • Thriving
  • Failure
  • Mitigate
  • Reap the rewards
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