In order for a country to develop fully it must provide free education for everyone at whatever cost it might be. To what extent do you agree with this statement

There is an argument that all levels of education should be free for every people in order to the extreme development of the
. In my opinion, I totally agree with
idea since education plays a vital role in the
's advancement in all aspects and still has a significant number of people lacking fundamental schooling accessibility. It is widely accepted that all innovations nowadays have come from education-based outcomes. Many countries invest a huge amount of budget to modernize the internal learning system covering all subjects,
for example
, Thailand's government tries to upgrade the quality of agricultural products, which is the majority of Thai farmers' income, and
new agricultural laboratories are established throughout the nation.
, the academic facilities in all fields should be concerned by the government to improve their state benefits.
, there are a few great impediments to the
's development that government should take immediate action. One of the most noticeable problems that the high cost of tuition fees,
is a big problem for some families, especially low-income families, which are spreading out of the state.
For instance
, children from poor societies in remote areas have to quit school at grade 6 because their parents cannot afford their school expenditures, resulting in those communities being under development recently.
reason, the related authorities should arrange educational welfare free of charge. In conclusion, it seems to me that basic education should necessarily be distributed to every pupil without payment. Doing
would bring the
far more advanced quickly and efficiently.
Submitted by cidj2covid on

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