nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative mediccines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

It is true that an increasing number of patients are willing to (tend to) use unconventional types of treatment and medication as a replacement for the scientific way of curing.
both of them have their own benefits, I believe that conventional methods of therapy are more effective and safer. Researches show that both unorthodox and scientific treatment methods can exert a beneficial influence on wiping out illnesses. A vast number of physicians, nowadays, make use of a mixture of these two types for treating some special
For example
, herbal and chemical medicines in combination can contribute to the curing process of an illness, which could be time-consuming if alternative medicines were only utilized.
In addition
, in many under-developed countries
as African countries, having access to a great number of chemical
is so cumbersome and costly that a vast majority of people who have an illness cannot afford to purchase them. It is reasonable to argue that most acute
can be cured effectively by
whose ingredients are inherently (per se) chemical.
the symptoms of some
including cough, nausea, and vomiting can be alleviated by herbal medications, it is the industrialized
that play a vital role in lessening the factors of critical
. More importantly, it is
believed that the effectiveness of alternative ways may not be measured compared to the modern
which are testable and their dosage are quite determined.
In other words
, the active ingredients that are available in herbal
are not measurable,
all chemical
are categorized
according to
their dosage. In conclusion, even though unconventional methods of therapy have brought many benefits to patients, modern treatment is undoubtedly more beneficial and practical.
Submitted by kambiz.pirzad on

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