Internet has changed the way we interact with each other now compared to the past. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this ?

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In the modern world, technology has brought many changes, including the way we interact today as compared with ancient times.
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leads to some benefits
as well as
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drawbacks which I am going to discuss in
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essay. There are many more advantages of using the internet these days than in the past.
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, social media networks like WhatsApp, and Facebook to name a few, have made communication affordable and easy to reach our loved ones regardless of distance . Unlike in the past, when
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would travel long distances in order to meet each other, today a WhatsApp call or a chat will be very fast and cheaper.
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, the introduction of smartphones made it possible to convey instant messages and videos in an efficient way. Not only does it helps to communicate at the family level but
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at the business level.
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, all these positives make
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continue buying data bundles to be online every day without looking at the cost. Despite all the obvious appeal internet has brought to us, drawbacks are inevitable.
For instance
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, the major disadvantage of online communication is that it destroys the social gathering which
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used to enjoy in the past . Even if family members are in the same house, they hardly share jokes or stories because almost everyone will be busy with their gadgets. Many folks are no longer visiting each other and as a
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result family bonds are lost since they can easily chat and make a call.
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physical bonding would not only add a relationship to
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create time for
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to interact face-to-face. Experts predict that in the future
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will become more isolated because of the way we communicate . In conclusion, the net has brought many benefits which make our lives easier and more efficient but
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some of our valuable manners have been lost in the process
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as physical bonding and social life.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • revolutionized
  • instantaneous communication
  • social media platforms
  • virtual meetings
  • e-commerce
  • global marketplaces
  • streaming services
  • online gaming
  • content creation
  • remote working
  • cyberbullying
  • internet addiction
  • access to information
  • professional development
  • privacy concerns
  • educational resources
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