The most important aim of science should be to improve people´s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The main target of employing
should be how to make the life of humans better.
, I desperately wanted to completely agree with
statement; I believe the aim of
has been used to improve the lives of people in the
few decades, but it has
caused countless loss of lives, especially children. On one hand, we live in a time when we have witnessed to use of
to our advantage in a wide range of ways.
includes the field of medicine, in which we have done tremendous progress in eliminating most of the deadliest diseases like smallpox using vaccination
treating various types of cancer which were fatal before. Another milestone is the opportunity to travel faster nowadays as a direct result of planes and cars.
For example
, transport of trade goods and passengers between America and Asia took months on ships in the 1800s
the discovery of aeroplanes has made these kinds of journeys possible in a matter of hours.
On the other hand
is a just tool which can be used for both bad and good intentions. As the vast majority of knowledge resources are preserved digitally, it is now available for everyone to learn and use, potentially misusing the expertise in subjects
as chemistry to make explosives to harm innocent people, in situations like 11th September 2001. Another great threat to humanity is the greediness of countries like Norway which manufacture weapons in their peaceful regions
profiting by selling weapons to war-torn, poor nations in Africa and Asia. In conclusion, despite contributing to plenty of positive developments, particularly in the medical field and transport,
been employed to harm people for many centuries when used to advance weapons.
Submitted by Farh on

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