It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

As an introduction, sports during childhood are an essential component for a healthy body and most importantly, for a mind. A fair amount of people believe that participation in a competitive game is crucial for children in the improvement of intelligence,
others suggest that it has some detrimental impacts. As both these views have pros and cons, I will discuss both perspectives and conclude with my own view. To commence with, involvement in active competitive sports has many benefits for youngsters' education.
, their minds will change to compete in their studies as well
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and set their goals to succeed in the future.
will eventually lead to a successful and well-educated crowd, and ultimately to a better world. As an example, research done at Havard University found that the kids who played during their school period, are more intelligent and smart in their performance.
, not only brain development, but
their self-esteem and personality improve
along with
a stress-free mind and good mental health.
, they will become ardent characters with a better team spirit later.
In contrast
, the habit of competition at a younger age can have many negative effects.
To begin
with, these kids expect to achieve winning anyhow, and they are forward to competing to any extent in order to win.
, if they fail by any chance they will end up in disappointment and it can affect them psychologically.
, a child who always competes will become a selfish person with a bad attitude.
For example
, it is a well-known fact that
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some students who always create competition with fellows, are selfish characters themselves. In conclusion, we can observe many positive and negative consequences of doing competitive sports. So, in my opinion, the nature of competition has more benefits than dangers, as we cannot achieve anything without trying.
Submitted by anushka75 on

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