Some argue that only prosperous people should do philanthropy. I subscribe to
idea since their monetary power is totally capable to support everyone in difficulty across the world, and normal people should rather use their savings for personal purposes.
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, affiliates have enough money to donate to every charity campaign. Linking Words
Due to
the income disparity in many economies at the moment, millionaires and billionaires can earn ten times, Linking Words
not to mention
100 times an average person. Linking Words
, just by spending a small part of their fund, they can save many lives on the globe who suffer from starvation, warfare or natural disasters. Take the USA as an example, where 1% of the population possesses 90% of the total assets of the whole nation, and they are required to contribute more to humanitarian programs.
On top of that, for people in the middle class or even lower, if they have money to spare, it's better for them to just save it for rainy days or some future targets. They often face financial instability, so they should secure their budget first by accumulating each dollar set aside each month and Linking Words
using it to take care of themselves or their family before thinking about social responsibility. Linking Words
For instance
, in Vietnam, many young adults couldn't afford a piece of real estate, no matter how hard they have been working and saving.
In conclusion, I believe that philanthropy should solely be the obligation of the rich Linking Words
due to
the fact that they hold a plethora amount of money that can be allocated sufficiently to many charity programs. Linking Words
, average workers don't have the financial abundance to give so their funds should be used for themselves first.Linking Words