Some people argue that governments should not pay money for the international aids when there are some disadvantaged people in their own country, such as the homeless and the unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In an era when the connection and corporation between
are the very core of diplomatic policy, international aid has become a hotly debated topic.
many citizens agree with
policy, other individuals argue that
of sending assistance to foreign lands,
amount of money should be diverted into government subsidies to solve domestic issues
as homelessness and unemployment. From my point of view, the authority should reserve a fund to provide help to other states. First and foremost, international aid helps tighten the bond between countries.
That is
due to
the fact that we are living in an era where each and every country has a relationship and corporate with other
, and any help would be returned in kind, especially in dire situations. For that reason, international aids serve as a token, a symbol of connection between states and help to forge a stronger relationship.
For example
, after the devastating earthquake in Turkey that traps and wounded hundreds of people, the Vietnamese government sends a rescue party to help the Turkish authority save and take care of wounded victims, which earns the gratitude of the Turkish and signifies the friendship between Vietnam and Turkey.
, overseas aids only take up a small portion of the national budget, especially in developed countries. Though many people would argue that giving generous funds to developing countries is unacceptable, those individuals fail to understand that these funds usually bring numerous merits to their homeland. Simply said, the overseas funds are meticulously calculated by the government so that they can bring several merits to their homeland
diverting much of their resources to tackle domestic problems
as helping disadvantaged people and improving infrastructures.
For instance
, by giving compensation to several regions overseas, the USA can have access to the oil reserves or American enterprises could be benefited from the policies of the
that they invest in. In conclusion, international aiding packages actually hold numerous advantages
as tightening the friendships among
and only taking up a small portion of the national budget.
, it is important that governments should reserve a fund to face international issues.
Submitted by duongntt.tld on

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