Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty. Therefore, developed contries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is not uncommon for developed
to facilitate financial aid to poorer
, it is often argued that poverty cannot be lessened through financial support only. It can be more useful for developing communities if they
offer other types of benefits. I partially agree with the given notion. Apparently, Financial grant in developing nations holds a wide range of constructive benefits,
To begin
with, It helps to promote long-term prosperity and the establishment of political institution.
, some less developed states do not have the ability to maximise their's rich natural resources, but with foreign ,support
seems to be possible.
For example
, the UK government donated £241 million to Nigeria to obtain advanced technology for sanitation.
, foreign aid helps rebuild lives by providing livelihood and housing right after a disaster so that victims can start over. To exemplify, It has been reported in a recent survey that Syria has received more than €37 billion in humanitarian aid to Syrian and vulnerable host communities inside Syria and the region.
, Advanced
take positive steps to directly benefit underdeveloped societies. Especially, by taking action against corrupt leaders, assisting research and development and enhancing global labour mobility.
, wealthy nations have more money to sustain their nationals even during economic crises
as inflation. They should consider forgiving the poor people's exciting debts.
, economically developing
can use debt money in a productive way.
In addition
, there is another way to help the world's poor regions simply by being a consumer.
can be done by buying products from websites that donate a portion of their proceeds to charity.
To conclude
, developing land has been suffering from brutal poverty and
cannot be eliminated over a night but every effort can surely cassette deprivation.
Submitted by sharmap1811 on

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