Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

These days, more and more individuals who suffer some health issues tend to look for alternative solutions rather than relying on their regular specialists. In my opinion,
trend has a range of positive effects for several reasons.
, trying other methods to resolve the problems associated with well-being can be contributed to saving individuals' funds. Normally, it costs a lot for a doctor’s appointment since the insurance partially covers the total amount of money spent on visiting the hospital.
, engaging in lifestyle adjustment programs, which are essential for our health, is less costly but likely to result in better outcomes.
For example
, my grandmother who had suffered
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from diabetes
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years has dramatically recovered by practising recommended daily routines,
as working out regularly and consuming a low-sugar diet,
of getting support from a medical expert.
, patients can get more opportunities to be cured with the support of various options other than being prescribed by one doctor. Particularly, in terms of rare
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, there are a limited number of doctors who have sufficient experiences to deal with that
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That is
, visiting the same medical professional would not be the solution for an accurate prescription and remedy.
, in order to get
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proper therapy, it is crucial to consider other possibilities.
but not least, some new drugs and injections play a significant role in reducing the treatment period. When it comes to the time consumption of the medical process, the longer it takes, the more burdens,
as a sense of anxiety and unaffordable costs, people will face.
, by taking a new medicine, patients can recover even more rapidly than when they just engage in a consultation with a doctor. In conclusion, I strongly agree with the common belief that having alternatives for medical purposes is beneficial, considering it devotes
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saving money and time on recovery, providing a range of opportunities to be cured in a variety of ways.
Submitted by jinny921108 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • alternative medicines
  • treatments
  • positive development
  • negative development
  • health problems
  • usual doctor
  • access
  • personalized approach
  • holistic well-being
  • lack of regulation
  • evidence-based research
  • proper medical treatment
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