8.Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drink that have been scientifically proved to be bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

essay, I will argue why it is irrational to vote for the prohibition of selling
and beverages that have been proven harmful to people. Before assessing whether those types of
intake should be forbidden or not, one should first make a clear definition of "harmful". Anything
that is
eaten by people in their daily life may become "harmful" without scientific eating amount or frequency. That means all
or beverage, nutritious or unhealthy, would somehow become toxic anyway if people blindly eat them without considering the physical situations.
, I would say that one can never draw a clear line between regular catering materials and the so-called "harmful"
when there are no premises set on the quantity or eating frequency.
is the impracticality of the supposed policy: how can we solely ban the selling of certain types of
only when they are relatively more "harmful" than others, but permit others that are less harmful but would
be unhealthy under some circumstances? It is the ambiguity of the criteria towards
action that compels me to reject
notion. Apart from the lack of credibility on the judgement of "harmfulness", the given claim would
be unpersuasive because of its recklessness.
type of prohibition is practical only when its foreseeable contribution definitively outweighs the drawbacks it may provoke. Let alone how hard the act can be implemented, the possible outcome of
is clearly dark and negative; it would certainly deprive certain catering industries of the ability to survive and would make the entire society face the sadness of unemployment. Companies related to, say, snacks, alcohol or soda, would immediately witness their fate of extinction and end up with corruption, sending a throng of fired employees into the talent market, who would suddenly increase the pressures pushed on the government and human resource departments.
that is
still not the whole story, when lots of countries
realize that they would experience vicious slumps in their international trade, in which the old day's economic titans-coca cola, KFC, burger king, Hennessy, etc.-would never make any money for their own countries, who would
not be that abundant to purchase inside the global importing and exporting chain. In conclusion, the absurdity and calamities witnessed behind
notion make me strongly veto it. I certainly believe that feasibility and possible hazards should be meticulously tested before any prohibition of
and drinks, even if they may seemingly harm our health.
Submitted by y2083749065 on

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Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.

In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.

Linking word examples:

  • firstly
  • secondly
  • thirdly
  • in additional
  • moreover
  • also
  • for example
  • for instance
  • therefore
  • however
  • although
  • even though
  • despite

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