Many manufactured food and drink products contain high level of sugar which causes many health problems. Sugar products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree??

It is an irrefutable fact most fast food items contain unhealthy amounts of
in them and
give rise to various disease pathologies in the body. Some suggest that increasing the price of these edibles will reduce their consumption which I completely disagree with. Beyond doubt,
is part of everything one consumes.
, imposing greater taxes on
will directly increase the price of many day-to-day items which will simply increase the burden on the lower socio-economic class.
For example
, the implementation of taxes on
will rise the prices of bread which is consumed frequently by the poor and middle class.
, the regular
Replace the word
show examples
of sugars will continue to purchase them even at raised prices which will nullify the reason for charging more.
, if sugary items are made costlier
people might find an alternative for them.
could not only be more hazardous to health but can
dilute the entire cause of promoting a better life.
For example
, saccharine and aspartame substances used as artificial sweeteners have been found to increase the risk of both obesity and other co-morbid conditions. There are several other compelling methods to ensure the well-being of the people. The most important of all is spreading awareness in laymen.
not only includes educating them about the risk of excessive consumption of sugars but
about the painful diseases it brings along.
For instance
, the campaign about diabetes enlightenment has helped a lot in preventing its cause and
, education is necessary in the prevention of health hazards it alone is not enough. It must be clubbed with motivation to work out.
For example
, in the corporate world companies can encourage their employees to stay fit either by giving monetary rewards or gifts to the fittest individual.
to conclude
, we can say making
-rich products costlier will only add a burden to the lower sections of society
along with
a greater risk of developing unsafe alternatives.
I totally oppose the given notion.
Submitted by chehlsychristie947 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • sugar consumption
  • health problems
  • manufactured food and drink products
  • encourage
  • expensive
  • reduce
  • effectively
  • discourage
  • tight budget
  • purchasing
  • disproportionately
  • lower-income individuals
  • healthier food choices
  • demand
  • regardless
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