It has been frequently argued that the biggest concern of the current era is the extinction of certain types of flora and fauna, whilst a few people opine that degrading natural quality is a significant problem. In the essay, I would like to shed light on both perspectives
along with
my viewpoint in the following paragraphs.
Linking Words
To begin
with, as per some masses, endangered species is the most essential matter, nowadays. Linking Words
, the natural phenomenon is in balance, as one category of animal relies on another one for its diet. Linking Words
, if one of the breeds is extinct, Linking Words
the other Linking Words
Wrong verb form
suffer. Linking Words
For instance
, if the forest does not include enough lions in it, as a repercussion the proportion of deer or other herbivores would drastically incline and there would not be a sufficient amount of grasses or leaves in the locality to feed on. Linking Words
, a variety of plant species enhances the beauty of surroundings, Linking Words
it is necessary to conserve them.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are more serious issues present in the atmosphere that need to be figured out as a priority. To commence with, the depleting air quality, especially after the Linking Words
industrial revolution
is the biggest threat. To fulfil overpopulation needs, the number of factories is increasing and these are emitting considerable harmful gases that are dangerous for inhabitants. Correct your spelling
Industrial Revolution
For example
, these days, patients with respiratory diseases are inclined, Linking Words
due to
poor air quality. Linking Words
Apart from
Linking Words
, the sound and air pollution because of traffic congestion in the urban areas is a huge problem that needs to be sorted.
In conclusion, human activities are depleting the environmental balance and adding contaminants to it. In my opinion, the foremost issue to be solved Linking Words
is to preserve nature from harmful gases, so at the least, people Rephrase
survive. After that, Wrong verb form
animals and trees need to be conserved.Wrong verb form