Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some infomation is too important or too valueable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Nowadays, some people consider that exchanging vast amounts of
in the spheres of science, education and business is okay to deal with.
, others assume that some sort of
is crucial and valuable to be shared.
essay will discuss both sides of
topic and my personal opinion will be included. On the one hand, sharing
in all fields of job, especially jobs including finance, education and science, is necessary. If communication between the receiver and the sender is lost, it can lead to some unwanted consequences during work time.
For instance
, in trading. Trading is all about analyzing the
, taking the needed one and exchanging it all the time. But when a person buys a stock and does not get any
about its downfall or rise, it is a problem
that is
hard to come up with.
On the other hand
, there are some types of facts and details that cannot be exchanged. It is obvious that all professions have their own confidential
. And when
is revealed, it can have some side effects on the job.
For example
, in the scientific sphere. Scientists experience a lot of things in various fields and genetic engineering is most common in
list. If something goes wrong during the experience and causes some diseases,
action cannot be shared with everyone. In conclusion,
people may vary with their points of view, exchanging
in some spheres and circumstances is not always good and it can lead the government to some troubled situations
Submitted by wind1y998 on

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