Some people are of the opinion that being highly qualified is the only way to ensure a well-paying job. While others believe that having work experience is the best way to get a well-paying job. Discuss both views and give your opinion

The world is divided among people with two views, one who believes that the only way of getting a highly paid job is an outstanding qualification
the other section trusts that holding the required employment background is the driving factor behind the same. I think the former proposition is more rational and
essay will
elaborate my views leading to a suitable conclusion.

 Initiating with the first school of thought, many opine that education is indispensable in order to get a competitive salary. I strongly agree with
point as it opens the gate of opportunities for many, starting with the interviews to communication skills , everything is packaged in a reputed degree. To cite an example, many colleges in India including IITs and IIMs have produced scholars with the highest-paid packages over the
few decades.
, graduates from
institutions remain in top-most priority for multinational companies. 

On the contrasting side, there is a community whose opinion says that experience works better than education when it comes to jobs with huge incentives. It makes sense in the scenarios where a person is already employed and has been working in the same field for many years and
, his knowledge is considered unbeatable opposing to any bookish information.
For instance
, a close friend of mine has experienced his skills in the field of web designing by self-learning and practising and today he is making millions out of his passion. 

To conclude
, degrees versus familiarity with the concepts have always been a debatable topic. In my view, one must focus on getting the required schooling in order to get the benefits in
cut-throat environment. I think the aforementioned points are strongly supporting my viewpoint.
Submitted by jyotiarora940 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Highly qualified
  • Well-paying job
  • Securing
  • Knowledge
  • Expertise
  • Higher positions
  • Higher salaries
  • Practical skills
  • Real-world setting
  • Employers value
  • Professional connections
  • Ideal
  • Industry
  • Job role
  • Opinion
  • Experience
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