The maps illustrate the changes in the layouts of the library during the five years.
, Linking Words
it is clear that
there were several shifts in the categories of records, and the number of genres has increased. Some facilities have been added and altered throughout the period.
Looking at the maps more closely, one can see that the location of the entrance, the librarian's desk and stairs remain the same, with stairs becoming slightly higher after the renovation. Fiction statements used to be located against the wall across from the librarian's desk, but they were replaced by a children's books section with the addition of a children's area in front of them. In the middle, there were 8 small tables, but after five years, these became four long desks. On the right side of the library, newspapers and periodicals were eliminated and films and DVDs were added. Noticeably, two new computers have been placed between the stairs and the films and DVDs zone. Linking Words
In addition
, the self-help and the history section have been reduced their size and other genres of books, which were fiction, kitchen, economics, and law have been placed.Linking Words